Wednesday, April 26, 2006


So a spammer decided my comments section was a great place to plug their internet survey. No thanks. I adjusted my blog to moderated comments from now on - that means that when you post a comment, blogspot has to email it to me for approval before it can be published. Which I will do, as long as it's not spam. But that does mean when you post a comment, it won't appear right away. Please don't let that stop you from posting, though - I don't reply to comments very often, but I do read all of them (especially now).

For those that are in the direct mail business, please, do me a favour - go get a real job. Sell drugs. Become a whore. Overthrow a small island and set up a banana republic. Whatever, just do something with more dignity than spamming or junk mail, okay? The rest of the world knows what it means to sleep soundly - feel free to join us sometime.

(I know I'm probably directing these comments to some program that randomly posts on blogs automatically, but on the off-chance that there's a human being responsible for spamming up my blog, please, rethink your life. Everyone hates you. That can't be any fun.)

In the meantime, for those who've been having problems loading the Quicktimes in my previous post, don't trouble yourself - they deliberately reveal nothing about the show. I can't post any Legion images until the show's already aired - the movies I put up are cropped too close to see anything, really (although hard-core Legion fans could probably deduce which character is in at least half of the movies - hint - each movie features a different individual Legionnaire). I thought it was funny, but my wife thought it was mean. Maybe she's right, and the spam is karmic retribution for my little prank. Although it was really as much a parody of all the secrecy surrounding the project as anything else. Sorry to anyone who got their spirits up.

In the meantime, I've dug up an old drawing I did in my Titans days. It has nothing to do with the new Legion show, even though it bears a strange resemblance to a certain green hero. Rest assured that in the show, that particular green character looks nothing like this drawing.

Strange green character © and ™ me, although I certainly have no plans to ever draw him again.


If you're here for the Watchmen drawings, scroll on down to the next (previous) post. For everyone else, some news-

Somehow, the fine folks at have figured out that the [secret project] I'm working on is Legion of Superheroes. Not a terribly big secret, but credit where credit is due.

Anyways, now that the secret (such as it is) is out, here's some Legion stuff. Sorry about the low-res, I don't want the blog to load too slowly.

This is all stuff we put together to give some idea of the feel of the show.

Hey, Warner Bros marketing people! If I'm not supposed to post this stuff, let me know, and I'll take it down.

The show's looking great so far, as you can see. This is all early footage, though, so some things have changed.

We've got some great stuff lined up, too. There's a story with Starfinger lined up that I'm really excited about (Taylor Negron is playing Starfinger).

Also, the Legion of Substitute Heroes guest star in the episode, and Starboy and Matter-Eater Lad join the team.

And that's not our only guest star, either. We've got Cosmic Boy and Ferro Lad, one of them joining the team, with voices by Wil Wheaton and Dave Wittenberg. Also, we're doing the Sun-Eater story - that should be pretty amazing.

Legion of Superheroes characters ™ and © DC Comics.