If you're awake by 10 AM, there's a new show you'll be wanting to watch on whatever channel airs Warner Bros stuff in your neighbourhood. That's right, Legion of Superheroes starts today. Check it out!
If you miss it, don't panic! Apparently they'll be re-airing it Oct 14. Oh yeah, Validus is ™ and © DC Comics.
He has dirty nails and a pot belly. He must be EVIL!
Really he's just misunderstood - a susceptible kid hanging out with the wrong crowd. If his parents knew what he was up to, they'd step in and set him straight.
Great job on the first episode, Ben! If you read my Legion Omnicom, I've collected many of the reports from around the web. Legion fans seem to be pretty much ecstatic, while Timm-verse fans aren't as happy because it's not a Timm show or they think it's just Titans with a new coat of paint. Eh, that's their problem. Kudos to Amy, which I'd give to her myself if she had a spot that accepted comments.
Which other episodes are you involved in?
Ben, just wanted to let you guys know, I loved the show. Keep up the good work. I'll be back next week.
Ben, "Man of Tomorrow" was great -- the show's look turned out fantastic, the animation was very well done and there was an incredible amount going on in that first half hour episode.
You guys managed to outdo five years of Smallville in a few minutes with your surprisingly compelling version of young Superman. His character alone would be reason for me to tune in again next week, were I not a lifelong fan of the Legion characters as well.
Ahhhhh.... Saturday mornings are happy again! Great new show. ...and TT: TOKYO was a lotta fun.
very coooool character!
Wow; nice seeing your othere work--I'll always be a big fan!
Your stuff is so fun and cool. I especially like the zombie poster!
I'll be coming back to check out more.
: )
Stop by my blog if you get the chance.
: )
awesome pose. Really powerful and dynamic!!! Keep up the great work.
Hello! ;)
hey... what sick newz!
what do you consider about it?
Great Sketch!:)
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