Sunday, January 22, 2006

New blog, first post

I'll admit to totally hopping the bandwagon here - everyone at work is starting up a blog, so I am too. To give mine something a little different, I'm going to use it primarily to post "idiot style" drawings. That is to say, unpolished drawings, crude but amusing, that are more about exploring some weird idea than being a good finished drawing. Sketches and scribbles and so forth. I do a lot of these, mostly because I am lazy and easily amused.

Most of the drawings I'll be posting were done during meetings or recordings or generally any time I should be paying attention to something else. As an example, my first post is a page of messed-up Cyborg heads I drew during the story break meeting for Wavelength. Teen Titans being the show it is, a surprising number of these actually turn out to be useful.

This was drawn with a fine black Sharpie on animation paper. Cyborg is ™ and © DC Comics.

I'll try to post something new every week.


PotatoFarmGirl said...

funny Cyborg ha ha!!

Jay D Smith said...


chrishaley said...

What kind of paper exactly is animation paper?

Ben Jones said...

It's fairly normal paper, as paper goes, it's just punched on the bottom for registration. Also it's a little thicker than regular paper.

Anonymous said...

hi, i need help on my media studies research task.
Can someone please help, and answer some of my questions?

1. To make TV series like Avatar, the last air-bender, and The Simpson's, what software and hardware do producers use?
2. How do you put a series on television, how do u find a distributor?
3. if you enter an animation festival, how would it be discovered, any specific festivals?
4. Can you basically describe to me the lip syncing procedure?
5. Can you describe me a basic team, like director, writer, cast...?
6. how long does it generally take to make an episode of...
- the Simpson's?
- Avatar?
- shows on Cartoon Network?

Thanks, if there is anymore information could you please tell me it as i seem to have misplaced the other half of the essay plan.
